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Archive for Italy Milan Mission

19th Birthday – Week 11

Milan Mission Chums

Milan Mission Chums

Ciao, Ciao Everyone,

birthday-gelato-Well this has been an eventful week, although it seems we  didn’t do a whole lot. However, we did lots of street finding which can make the days really long. So, we like to break those days up with a nice gelato. We tried a new gelatoria and I was convinced it was my new favorite place. It was only 2€ and it was super, super good. Then we went and we tried another new gelatoria. Now I’m convinced it’s my new favorite. It was still only €2 but it was amazing and they gave us more than the other place. Basically anywhere you get gelato is amazing. I don’t think there’s a bad gelatoria!!!

19th Birthday

Also this week I had my birthday!! Officially 19! Wahoo!!! Next year I’ll be 20 and that’s weird. Well, in the morning Anziano Pack made pancakes so that was nice of him! They were pretty good. I usually just have a banana or an orange for breakfast so that was a big breakfast, even though I only had 2 small ones. Then we did our studies. Friday is weekly planning so we plan for our investigators and try to set up appointments and things.

After planning, we went to lunch at the Zamboninis (members house) they made this really good pasta with a cream sauce and beef.  Then we had chicken and mashed potatoes…then we had some oranges…and then they made me a cake! It was really nice of them!! It was different than American cake haha. It was like a mix between a brownie and a cake…kinda, sorta. I don’t really know how to explain it. It was very good though!

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Health Issues and Training – Week 9

Hi Family and Friends,

Milan Basilica di San Lorenzo 402 ad

Milan Basilica di San Lorenzo 402 ad

This week was a little different for Braden and he expressed that he wasn’t able to write a typical letter home. He did write, but he spent a lot of time just answering questions that we had for him. So, this week, we are going to give a little breakdown of what is happening in Italy.

Braden’s Health

The main thing that we have been focused on for Braden is his health. Unfortunately, he hasn’t felt well since the day after he got there. He started feeling dizzy, light-headed and also nauseated. He  attributed those symptoms to the fact that he was quite tired from the travel and that he knew there would be several days of recovery from the jet lag. Well, after three days of feeling miserable, he finally mentioned something to his companion. They got Sister Dibb (Mission President’s wife) involved and she set an appointment to see a doctor. The doctor couldn’t diagnose anything at the time and gave Braden a prescription to see if they could pinpoint the problem.  Unfortunately, it didn’t help.

Well, that was 4 weeks ago now and he hasn’t seen any improvement. He feels the most sick right after he wakes up in the morning and also right after eating a meal (Although it is constant throughout the day)  He loves the food but doesn’t have the 18 year old’s appetite that he had before arriving in Italy. He still feels light-headed and they have now asked him not to ride his bike for the time being. He and his companion are out working each day which is a good thing. He is pushing through and enduring this.  He is feeling frustrated, of course, and is just hoping for some relief. He’s trying to stay positive but, after 4 weeks, it is taxing on him.

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Beginning My Mission Journey


All updates of my experiences, serving in the Italy Milano mission, will be posted here. I will be entering the MTC in Provo, Utah on September 30, 2015. I will be in the MTC for about 6 weeks and will leave for Milan the middle of November.

Please come back and visit often. And don’t forget to write. See the contact page for my e-mail address and the physical address of my apartment in the areas that I will be serving in.