Ciao, Ciao Everyone,
Well this has been an eventful week, although it seems we didn’t do a whole lot. However, we did lots of street finding which can make the days really long. So, we like to break those days up with a nice gelato. We tried a new gelatoria and I was convinced it was my new favorite place. It was only 2€ and it was super, super good. Then we went and we tried another new gelatoria. Now I’m convinced it’s my new favorite. It was still only €2 but it was amazing and they gave us more than the other place. Basically anywhere you get gelato is amazing. I don’t think there’s a bad gelatoria!!!
19th Birthday
Also this week I had my birthday!! Officially 19! Wahoo!!! Next year I’ll be 20 and that’s weird. Well, in the morning Anziano Pack made pancakes so that was nice of him! They were pretty good. I usually just have a banana or an orange for breakfast so that was a big breakfast, even though I only had 2 small ones. Then we did our studies. Friday is weekly planning so we plan for our investigators and try to set up appointments and things.
After planning, we went to lunch at the Zamboninis (members house) they made this really good pasta with a cream sauce and beef. Then we had chicken and mashed potatoes…then we had some oranges…and then they made me a cake! It was really nice of them!! It was different than American cake haha. It was like a mix between a brownie and a cake…kinda, sorta. I don’t really know how to explain it. It was very good though!
Birthday Cake
After that we came home and we made my cake here. While it was cooking. we did out language study. So it turned out fairly well. But there is a difference between sunflower oil and vegetable oil. I opened our cupboard and we had olive oil and sunflower oil. I went with the sunflower. It turned out good but it’s better with vegetable oil. We took a piece over to Dora she had people over for dinner so we couldn’t talk long. But she was happy to see us.
“No No No”
Later in the day, we went out and did some street finding for a while. When you ask people if you can ask them a question, a lot will see your name tag and say, “no, no, no” and walk away. Or, you’ll actually get to ask your question and then they’ll say, “no, no, no” and walk away. So, I went to ask this guy a question and he saw my name tag and said “no, no, no, and started to walk away. So, I asked, “where is a good gelatoria?”, really fast, (hoping he would hear) and he turned around and said, (well, basically my Italian is still bad but this is what I got) “depends…do you want more chocolatey or more fruity gelato?” So, I said both. The guy then proceeded to give us detailed instructions of how to get to a good chocolate gelatoria and a good fruit gelatoria. After that we tried to talk about the gospel and then he said, “no, no, no” and walked away. So basically Italians are awesome and nice as long as you don’t try to talk about Jesus with them. Anyways we kept doing finding then we decided to go get some birthday gelato.
Birthday Dinner
Then we had dinner with our “investigator” friend Claudio. He’s super nice and not very interested in changing religions or anything. He likes learning about us though. Mostly he just loves the missionaries and likes taking them out for food. He’s way cool though! He took us out for pizza. It was way tasty but I was already so full still from lunch and breakfast in the morning. But that was okay, it was really good and he’s a super nice guy. And after that we came home and went to bed!! It was a good birthday!! Lots of food so my stomach’s not too happy but it was good!
Thanks for all the emails by the way. I loved hearing from everyone. They made me so so happy!! I’ll respond individually later but that’s what happened to me on my birthday!!! Thanks for all the birthday love! The next day I actually got even more birthday love from a member who took us out for Mexican! Yes!!! Actual Mexican. I was shocked! I mean it was Italian Mexican but still I was so surprised they had one in Italy. I told him (Gabrielle, the member) that American Fork has around 10 Mexican restaurants (I was including places like Del Taco) he was shocked.
The Grass Is Greener Over There
All Italians are really interested in America. They all ask if it’s pretty and they all ask if we’re from America, then why are we in Italy. We love when they ask that question cuz it leads great into everything hahah! But it’s funny because everyone in America wants to go to Italy. And everyone in Italy wants to go to America.
A Curious Investigator
We taught Antonio, another one of our investigators, and he has come to church every Sunday for the past 3 or 4 weeks, but he has a TON of questions. He always asks tons of questions about things that he reads on the internet about the church…. So that has been fun. Lots of deep doctrine that doesn’t really matter. We can’t get through a lesson without him bringing up polygamy or some crazy question. But he’s actually progressing quite well and I hope that he keeps with it because he’s one of our more promising investigators. Dora has been sick so we haven’t been able to see her this week but she said that she liked the birthday cake so that’s good:) Apparently the sunflower oil wasn’t too bad.
“A Savior Is Born”
It’s almost Christmas so that’s really exciting. The town is putting up lights everywhere so it’s fun. We have shown the “A Savior is Born” video a lot lately. We got a stat from the church that said the video so far has had over 7,000 self referrals. Which means people who have watched the video have called the church and asked about more information and then have gotten in contact with missionaries. Which is incredible! When we got the stat, it had only been out for maybe 15 days! If you haven’t seen it yet then you need to watch it.. it’s super good!! Also, I was reading Moroni 7 and it’s SOOO good! It talks about so many different doctrines! So ya’ll should read it 🙂 I found my self highlighting a lot.
Also, yesterday I went to a neurosurgeon and they opened me up just to see if they could see anything right off the bat. I was freaking out when they told me that they were going to cut into me but they told me that it was totally safe and that the best way to find out if something was wrong was to just take a look! Ha I came out alive so I guess they were right! But the bad news is that they didn’t see anything!! What the heck! Now I’m stuck with this weird scar for nothing. And my hair looks sooooooo dumb now. Anyways. So yeah they didn’t find anything so I don’t know what the next step is. But to say I’m frustrated with all of this would be a major understatement.
Well, I hope that I tricked at least someone! Haha! I did actually go see a neurosurgeon, but I didn’t get cut open. We thought we were going to see a neurologist. So he didn’t really have anything for us but we waited in the hospital for 3 hours to see him, so that was fun. He said he would call back either today or tomorrow with an appointment to go get an MRI and then after I get the MRI I will go meet with a neurologist. And hopefully they can find what’s making me so dizzy! I just really hope that they find something soon! Well that’s all I have for you guys this week!
Ciao, Ciao for now.
Anziano Griffiths
P.S. We had zone conference last week and my MTC comps were there: Anziano Brooks and Rizzo. It was Sooooo good to see them. In the group photo, Elder Pack and I are on the back right hand side. Elder Brooks and Rizzo are also on the back row.
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