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Archive for Provo MTC

Flying the Coop – Week 5



(Good Morning)

Last P-day in the MTC… Finally! I’m so ready to go to Italy. The MTC has its perks though: It’s really easy to get mail and packages and you don’t have to cook for yourself! But honestly, I’d rather cook than eat styrofoam veggies. Anyways, it’s hard being here because I can walk to two of my aunt’s houses or either of my grandparent’s houses in like 15 min. or to Miranda’s dorm in about 2 min. I am excited to go and find out where my first area will be.

Departing for Milan

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Way Cool Week 4

Ciao everybody! This week was actually way cool! The days are long but the weeks are fast! It’s crazy to think that I only have 2 weeks left… there’s no way I’ll have enough Italian in two weeks. I can say “atonement” and “restoration” but I have no idea what “store” or “park” is. So that’s the MTC for ya.

Funny Stories

2 Great Look'n Dudes - Rizzo - Me

Two Great Look’n Dudes – Rizzo – Me

So a few funny stories to brighten your day. So, we were teaching about how Joseph Smith received the Priesthood. We explained that three “agnello” (an-yellow) came down to Joseph Smith and gave him the Priesthood.  Well, turns out we should have said “angelo” (an-jello)……. “agnello” means lamb and “angelo” means angel… so three lamb came down to Joseph Smith and gave him the Priesthood. So that’s awkward.

Then in a different lesson we were saying who Joseph Smith gave the priesthood to and we didn’t know how to say worthy men. So Anziano Brooks said “bellisimo”…. uh, no. The investigator started laughing cuz it was so funny. Joseph Smith gave the priesthood to only very beautiful men…  come on.. so that was funny…

Okay another funny story, Elder Brooks was trying to say say “baptism shows”…..mostrar…. but he said baptism monstar…. baptism monster… so we’ve had some rough lessons but its been good and really funny.

Apostle Neil L. Anderson

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It’s So Hard – But It’s Good – Week 3

Twins - Griffiths & Olson

Twins – Griffiths & Olson

Well, not a whole lot happened this week. The same thing happens every single day so it’s hard but it’s good. On Sunday, Chad Lewis and Taysom Hill came and talked to us at our devotional. It was AMAZING!!! I tried to talk to Chad because my dad knows him but he slipped out the back pretty quick.  It was super good.

Taysom had an amazing testimony of how everything happens for a reason and God puts you where you’re supposed to be. It was awesome.

Everyday we teach at least 2 lessons in Italian so that’s going well. Also Elder Brooks and I are doing really well in Italian… we’re killing it.  We have The First Vision and our missionary purpose memorized. We always teach in a trio so that can be interesting because you really have to focus when it’s not your turn to talk. It’s getting easier to understand when our teachers talk so that’s good.

I’m dying to get to Italy but at the same time, my language is no where near ready. I have been moving ahead on my own and learning past tense conjugations because I need to know those and I was ready for it. Our one investigator can’t read so its been hard to teach her without the scriptures.

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Study – Study & More Study – Week 2

 Dear Family & Friends

It’s been a solid week full of lots of study.  Our schedule everyday is:

  • Wake up at 6:30 and get dressed and ready for the day and in class by 7:00.
  • Then we have additional study time for one hour.
  • We then have breakfast and gym time. Gym lasts for 50 min. then we have to get ready and showered and into class. We only have 30 min. from the end of time time, se we have to haul.
  • Then, we have 3 hours of study time (personal, companion, and language.)
  • Then we have lunch and then have 4 1/2 hours of study with a teacher.
  • Dinner is around 5:00 and then we have 3 more hours of study with a different teacher.
  • At the end of the day, we have, like, 50 min. to get ready for bed, relax a bit and then lights out.
  • Then we repeat.

It’s long hard days but they’re good and we’re learning a lot. It’s more gospel study then I thought and less language but its good. It is hard to teach all of our lessons with limited vocabulary though.
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Longest Week of My Life – Week 1



Well, it’s been the longest week of my life! Honestly it feels like I’ve been here for months.

mtc- names tagsSo, after I walked away, I got my books, my name tag, and the key to my room. We went to my room and dropped my bags off, then, we went to the building where my class was and went straight to class. I walked in and there were some Elders already there. The teacher said, “Ciao!” and then some other Italian that I don’t remember and didn’t know. He hasn’t said one word of English…it’s super hard and I want to speak Spanish because I took it in high school. But, I realize that it’s not the same which makes it hard. But, it’s super helpful cuz I already know how to conjugate.

I’m in a trio so I have two companions. Anziano Brooks and Anziano Rizzo. It’s cool having 2 companions especially because they’re so different. Brooks is from Bountiful and he played football there. Also, he wears his Stance socks with the Stance logo on the inside of his feet, so we’re homies:). Anziano Rizzo is from Niciski Alaska. He likes drama and theater. He’s a cool guy! So funny.

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Beginning My Mission Journey


All updates of my experiences, serving in the Italy Milano mission, will be posted here. I will be entering the MTC in Provo, Utah on September 30, 2015. I will be in the MTC for about 6 weeks and will leave for Milan the middle of November.

Please come back and visit often. And don’t forget to write. See the contact page for my e-mail address and the physical address of my apartment in the areas that I will be serving in.