Well, this week was a little crazy…everything from gingerbread houses, to MRI’s, to law of chastity lessons. But over all, it was a good week!! I hope you all are having a great holiday season! I miss the snow and mountains. But whenever I think I miss something about Utah, I remember I’m in Italy and then I go walk outside, eat a gelato, maybe get some fresh bread, and I feel a lot better. JK, I really do miss Utah though.
World Without A Savior
We had zone conference last Thursday and that was fun. We talked more about the, “A Savior is Born” video. We now have the, “A World Without a Savior” video in Italian. If you haven’t seen it, you should watch it! I actually don’t love it in English… I think the voice sounds like Liam Neeson. He’s the actor in the movie “Taken” that says, “I will find you and I will kill you”. And the music sounds like Kung Fu Panda so I just think of Liam Neeson saying, “I will find you and I will kill you” to Po, and it kinda ruins the whole video for me. So if you can get past that, then it’s a great little video!!
Also at zone conference we built ginger bread houses! But in Italy they don’t have ginger bread…or gingerbread house stuff. So you could say it was interesting. Ours took second place so we didn’t win the Pandora :(, an Italian holiday cake type thing. But it was still fun!