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Psh…..Italians – Week 10

Anzianos Pack & Griffiths - Pres. & Sister Dibb

Anzianos Pack & Griffiths – Pres. & Sister Dibb

Hey hey hey, ciao ciao ciao!

Fog-in-Mantova-italyHow’s it going back in good old Utah? Lots of snow? No snow? Is it gonna be a White Christmas? Here it’ll probably be a foggy Christmas. The fog is insane here! It’s everyday, all day. Sometimes it’s super super foggy. In some ways it’s really cool. But then, it stinks too cuz when it’s foggy everyone goes home, so we have no one to teach. We had an appointment with an inactive member at 7:00 pm and it was a super foggy night. We couldn’t find her exact apartment so we called her to figure it out and she told us that they already gone to bed. “It’s too foggy.”

Also they have random holidays all of the time. They had a holiday yesterday and I’m pretty sure that the only point of this holiday was to get off work. We tried to ask people what the holiday was about and what we understood is that people just pray on this day and that’s about it. So ya know, let’s close the city and not go to work cuz we need to pray today.


Also I’ve discovered that they LOVE 4 things:

  • 1st–Cheese! They put so much cheese on all of their pasta, it’s crazy. It’s super good. But it’s crazy.
  • 2nd–Smoking. EVERYONE smokes. It’s nuts. I don’t even know how to describe it. Everyone is constantly smoking…it’s crazy.
  • 3rd–Olive oil. You’re having a pizza and they take olive oil and pour it on top…it’s the weirdest thing. You have olive oil with everything.
  • 4th–Eating. Everyone says that Americans eat a lot and that our potion sizes are huge. No way! Italians eat so so so much food.

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